Our Little Family

Monday, July 31, 2006

Colby's first word!

Colby's official first word is...
What the heck?! What about Mama? I tell ya, I get no love.
Oh well, what do ya do?

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He does say "Mama" when he's upset, so that's better than nothing. :o)
Colby's other favorite word is "YUM!"
And lately, he likes looking at things, pointing and saying, "Oooooh!"
What a funny kid!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Colby Loves Airplanes

I had a really cool moment with Colby yesterday. Last night we sat out in the shade behind our apartment and played. He soon started noticing the airplanes flying by and would reach his hand out to them. It was as if he was trying to point, but was pointing with all of his fingers instead of just the one. After one plane, which was particularly close, passed us and disappeared into the trees, Colby looked at me SO excited. He then started making "Ooooo" and "Brrrrrm" noises with his mouth, and was pointing to where he saw the airplane. He traced the sky where the airplane had been and kept looking at me, as if to say, "Did you see that, Mommy?! That was SO cool!" Soon, another plane flew directly overhead and he watched it with his arm outstretched. When it disappeared he reenacted it like he had done with the first plane. Of course, I pulled the video camera out and got him on tape "explaining" what he just saw. It was too cute!

Here's a video of his reaction to one of the planes flying by.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Our Fun 4th

We had a blast this 4th of July! We went with our friends Jesse and Kendra and their twin 19 month old boys to Camano Island. Kendra's family owns a beach house that's right on the beach! We stayed from Sunday until Wednesday. It was extremely relaxing. Colby got to chase the boys around and they humored him by getting down on hands and knees so he had a better shot of catching them. Aside from being in-utero last year, this was Colby's first experience with fireworks. At first, he was frightened by the artillary shells that the people next to us shot off. After a while, though, he became accustomed to the loud bang and although he jumped, he didn't cry. After it got dark and he could see all of the pretty colors, he was very much mesmorized. Here are some pictures of our wonderful weekend!

Colby soakin' in the sun.

The twins! Mason (l) and Caleb (r)

Lindsay, Colby, Kendra, and Caleb

So in love!

Clint, Jesse, and Matt enjoying the sunset.

My beautiful sunset shot.

We can't wait 'till next year!